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Video - Initiative
Lesson Quotes"There are two kinds of men who never amount to much: those who cannot do what they are told and those who can do nothing else." "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins." "A big success is made up of a great number of little circumstances each of which is so small and seemingly insignificant that most people pass it by as not worthy of notice."
Success StoriesBelow is a summary of several success Stories about people who exercised their own initiative: FW Woolworth used his personal initiative to start his 5¢ and 10¢ store yielded him a fortune well over 100 million dollar. W. Clement Stone started out with only $100 operating capital to start his own insurance business which has since grossed over many millions of dollars annually. Henry J. Kaiser built a great industrial empire during the World War II time era, despite never having built a ship before, and did so more cheaply and quickly than his competition. Napoleon Hill used his initiative to influence Andrew Carnegie to give him an opportunity to organize the science of success philosophy.
16 Traits of People with Personal Initiative
Below is an outline of the more important attributes of a person with sufficient initiative to give him leadership in his chosen profession in life: 1. Has a definite major purpose in life and a plan of its attainment. 2. Has a mastermind alliance with those whose help is essential in achieving his major purpose. 3. Is persistent and has the will to win to carry on even when met with obstacles. 4. Makes decisions are made promptly when has the necessary facts and changes decisions slowly, if at all. 5. Has a habit of doing more than he’s paid for and it’s done with a positive mental attitude. 6. Accepts full responsibility for everything he undertakes and never passes the buck when things go wrong. 7. Takes friendly criticism without resentment because he has learned to profit by it. 8. Knows the nine basic motives which inspire all human endeavors and never asks someone to do something unless he has adequately motivated them. 9. Never expresses an opinion about anything unless he has thought the subject through the subject and is prepared to explain how he came by his opinion. 10. Follows the habit of listening and only talking when it’s of benefit himself or others. 11. Has well developed sense of observation of the small details. He knows his job from the smallest to greatest details. 12. Never suggest what should be done unless he has provided the "why" it should be done and the "how" it should be done best. 13. Concentrates his full attention on doing 1 thing at a time. 14. Maintains a positive mental attitude at all times when he is in communications with others. 15. If you ask him a question, he will give you a direct answer even if he tells you that he doesn’t know the correct answer. 16. Overcomes procrastination and never puts off until tomorrow that which should be done last week. NOTE: The habit of procrastination is near the head of the list for why people fail. Check out procrastination quotes and EFT video for assistance in overcoming the procrastination habit.
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