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Video - Principle of Self-Advancement
ExplanationGoing the extra mile involves rendering more service and better service than one is expected to render and doing it with a positive mental attitude. If you consistently follow this rule: QQMA FormulaThe QQMA formula summarizes the rule of going the extra mile as follows: Benefits of Going the Extra Mile
1. Favorable attention of people who can give you opportunity. 2. Greater than average returns. 3. Makes you indispensable. 4. Excel in the line of work. 5. Preference when others are laid off. 6. Benefit by the law of contrast. 7. Improve your personality. 8. Gives you a keen, alert, imagination. 9. Inspires you to move on your own initiative (A habit which is the first step in leadership). 10. Greater self-reliance, without fear of criticism from others. 11. Helps to master the destructive habit of procrastination. 12. Inspires people to respect your integrity. 13. Helps you to develop a definiteness of purpose(starting point of all personal success). 14. Provides you with the one and only excuse for asking for more pay. 15. Conditions you to maintain a mastermind alliance with others. AdviceIf you are not in a position where you are not allowed to go over and above what is expected, change positions and market your services where it pays for your initiative and excellent customer service. Nature’s ExampleNature forces the farmer to go to give in advance without any compensation. The farmer must first: • Clear the ground Then the farmer hands the job over to nature, waits for her to do her part, and within a brief period time, nature germinates the seed, matures it, yields back the seed he planted plus an increase of 100 fold to compensate the farmer for going the extra mile. This rule applies in the workplace as it does in the field. Suggested Homework1. Start tomorrow to in your occupation to render some form of useful service to someone near you that you are not expected to render without any expectation for anything in return. 2. Do this service in a pleasing mental attitude. 3. Follow this practice for 7 days in succession. 4. Do make known your plan to anyone. By the end of the 7 days, you will be so much happier and so much better liked that you will never want to give up the habit. Related Links
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